Social Media Day Comments
Social Media Day, an initiative of Meadow Hall Group, is still being spoken about in breathless tones amongst staff and students of Meadow Hall. Also, it has garnered favourable PR for the school with articles in The Nation and This Day newspapers. Below are a few more insightful tweets posted by our students:
If I become the president I will stop children from hawking and I will send them back to school. C.A Year1, Ikoyi.
If I become president, I will stop the cutting down of trees to protect the environment. O.E Year 4, Ikoyi.
As president, I would tell inventors to create sophisticated police robots to defeat Boko. S.M Year 5.
If I become president, I would make sure that everyone has free Wi-Fi and a personal bodyguard. F.A, 4 Daffodil, Lekki
If I become president, I will ensure there are high standard police stations. C.O, 5 Daffodil, Lekki.
If I become president, I will ensure that homework is ABOLISHED! I.K, Year 5 Daffodil, Lekki.
If I become president, I will LISTEN TO MY CITIZENS AND ENSURE WE ERADICATE CORRUPTION. O.A, Year 10H, Meadow Hall College, Lekki.